9 Days for Life is an annual novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. From January 16 through January 24.
Sign up to receive the daily prayers via email or text message! Read More-click here
The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon has issued new norms for receiving Holy Communion under both species. Click here to read more about the new norms
During the month of October, the Altar Society will be collecting baby items, to be donated to the Pacific Pregnancy Clinic in Coos Bay. Please bring in your donation items and place them in the basket at the back of church. Click here for a list of requested items.
Click here for more details. Travelling southbound on Hwy 101, turn left on Sixes River Road. MJ’s home is 2.5 miles from Hwy 101, on the right side. Look for the balloons.
Barbecue and drinks provided.
Please bring something to share, such as a side dish or dessert.
Bring your own chair.
You have the option of swimming in the swimming hole in MJ’s backyard (bring your own towel.)
See you there at 1:00pm.
Many thanks to MJ LaBelle for hosting.
Our new church will be a living memorial, where those who helped build it will leave something to the world that is eternal. This will serve as a lasting tribute to honor the sacrifices our parishioners have generously made. The good they do is not interred with them, but will remain to share in the divine activity of God here on earth. Click for more....
You are invited to a JOURNEY WITHOUT DISTANCE.... A six-week course with Dr. Harry Tate, about Happiness, Laughter, Inner Peace, Learning and LOVE. Weekly on Mondays beginning June 24, 3-4pm, at St. John The Baptist Mission in PORT ORFORD. Click here for more details.
A Retreat on breaking the bondage of unforgiveness. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God for gave you. Eph. 4:31-32 Jim and Ann will lead open and frank discussions on topics including: What is forgiveness-what it is not Power in forgiving Medical evidence on the benefits of forgiving What does scripture say about forgiving Forgiving self What to do when you can’t forgive And other topics Click Here For More Details
We are united in Christ, in our one mission, and you are part of it! When you give to the Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal, you are actively participating in our mission to live and spread the Gospel. Every gift, regardless of size, is a testament to our belief that we are all one in the Eucharist, each of us essential to the vitality of our Church. To learn more, visit JesusChangesEverything.church, or call (503) 233-8336. Click here to read more
A parish-wide Women's Retreat, sponsored by the Altar Society and open to all the women of the church. We would love to see all the women of Holy Trinity and St. John The Baptist come together in prayer, support, sharing and reflection! Click here for more details.
Join us on Tuesday, May 7 to view and experience the beautiful Fatima Statue as she makes travels through The State of Oregon. We are blessed to have her visit our small parish. The event begins at 12 noon, but please arrive early to participate in the procession and statue enthronement. Click here for more details!
At each weekend Mass, bring in your food donations and place in the baskets at church. Click here for suggested food items. Thank you for your generosity and support!
8:30am - 1:15pm. Join Holy Trinity and the Knights of Columbus for this special retreat. Click here for details and the schedule of events for Saturday, March 2, 2024.
Our chili contest Wednesday was a huge success! We enjoyed amazing chili and cornbread. Call it spicy, call it hearty, call it sweet.... call it DEE-lish! To top it off, we had one, two, (maybe three) helpings of dessert! Cake, cookies, pie-Oh My!! Click here to meet our winners....